Name of School | Project Name | City, State/Province/County, Country
Bishop Alemany High School | Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Training Center | Mission Hills, CA
Bridgerland Tech College | Gene Haas Machining Technology Education Center | Logan, UT
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) | Gene Haas Manufacturing Lab | Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Calhoun Community College | Gene Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing | Decatur, AL
California Polytechnic State University (SLO) | Gene Haas Advanced Machining Lab & the Gene Haas Material Removal Lab | San Luis Obispo, CA
California State University, Chico | The Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab | Chico, CA
CENFIM Portugal | Gene Haas Manufacturing Center for Skills, Training & Innovation | Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal
Centennial College | Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab | Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Central Community College | Gene Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing Design Technology | Hastings, NE
Central Maine Community College | Gene Haas Precision Machining Technology Center | Auburn, ME
Conestoga College | The Gene Haas Advanced Machining Lab | Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Danville Community College | Gene Haas Center for Integrated Machining | Danville, VA
De Anza College | Gene Haas Center for Design & Manufacturing Technologies | Cupertino, CA
Dunwoody College of Technology | Gene Haas Manufacturing Innovation Lab | Minneapolis, MN
ECAM LaSalle | Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab | Lyon, France
Fort Smith Public Schools | Gene Haas Computer Integrated Machine Lab | Fort Smith, AR
Gadsden State Community College | Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab | Gadsden, AL
Gateway Technical College | Gene Haas Innovation Alley | Kenosha, WI
Greenville Technical College | Gene Haas Center for Innovative Manufacturing | Greenville, SC
Hudson Valley Community College | Gene Haas Technology Center | Troy, NY
Innovation Farm | Gene Haas Academy for CNC Education | Fornovo di Taro, Italy
Kevin Dukes Career and Innovation Academy | The Gene Haas Lab for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering | Hollywood, AL
La Joliverie | Gene Haas Center for Manufacturing Innovation | Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire, France
Lincoln College of Technology | Gene Haas Center for Advanced Automation | Indianapolis, IN
McDowell Senior High School Manufacturing | Gene Haas Training and Education Center | Erie, PA
Meridian Community College | Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab | Meridian, MS
Midlands Technical College | Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing | Columbia, SC
Mid-State Technical College | Gene Haas Atrium | Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna (MUNER) | Gene Haas Science Fortress | Fornovo di Taro, Italy
NASA HUNCH | Gene Haas NASA HUNCH Center for Advanced Manufacturing | Houston, TX
Nash Community College | Gene Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing | Rocky Mount, NC
North Dakota State College of Science | Gene Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing | Wahpeton, ND
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College | Gene Haas Center for Advanced Machining | Green Bay, WI
Orleans/Niagara BOCES | The Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Lab | Medina, NY
Ozarks Technical Community College | Gene Haas Advanced Machining Lab | Springfield, MO
Penn College of Technology | Gene Haas Center for Innovative Manufacturing | Williamsport, PA
Pine Bush High School | Gene Haas Innovation Center | Pine Bush, NY
Platt Technical College | Gene Haas Advanced Machining Lab | Milford, CT
Purdue University | Gene Haas Manufacturing Laboratory | West Lafayette, IN
Randolph Community College | Gene Haas Computer - Integrated Machining Institute | Asheboro, NC
Red River College | Gene Haas Innovation Lab | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Rockingham Community College | Gene Haas Advanced Machining Lab | Wentworth, NC
Saint Gab’ | Gene Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing | Saint-Laurent-sur-Sevre, France
Saskatchewan Polytechnic | Gene Haas Manufacturing Technology Lab | Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Sierra College | Gene Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing by Design | Rocklin, CA
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) | Gene Haas Foundation CNC Lab | Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Southern Union State Community College | Gene Haas Advanced Machining Lab | Opelika, AL
Southwestern Illinois College | Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab | Belleville, IL
Southwestern Illinois College | Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab | Granite City, IL
Stanly Community College | Gene Haas Machining Innovation Center | Albemarle, NC
State Fair Community College | Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab | Sedalia, MO
State Technical College of Missouri | Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab | Lynn, MO
Tecnun Universidad de Navarra | The Gene Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing | San Sebastian, Spain
Tennessee College of Applied Technology, Memphis | Haas CNC Technology Center | Memphis, TN
Tennessee College of Applied Technology, Murfreesboro | Haas Advanced Machining Lab | Murfreesboro, TN
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology | Gene Haas Laboratory for Computer Integrated Machining | Lancaster, PA
Tri-County Technical College | Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab | Pendleton, SC
TTK University of Applied Sciences | Gene Haas Advanced Machining Lab | Tallinn, Estonia
UIMM Le Mans | Gene Haas Center by Fab Academy | Le Mans, France
University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Gene Haas Collaboratorium | Las Vegas, NV
University of Tennessee | Gene Haas Machine Tool Research Center | Knoxville, TN
Ventura Community College | Gene Haas Advanced Manufacturing Lab | Ventura, CA
Vincennes University | Gene Haas Training and Education Center | Lebanon, IN
Wallace State Community College | Gene Haas Center for Advanced Manufacturing | Oneonta, AL
Waukesha County Technical College | Gene Haas CNC Training Center | Waukesha, WI
West Georgia Technical College | Gene Haas Precision Machining and Manufacturing Lab | Carrollton, GA
West Nottinghamshire College | Gene Haas Centre for Advanced Manufacturing | Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
West Suffolk College | The Gene Haas Foundation Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing Centre | Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Wichita State University Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology (WSU Tech) | Gene Haas Foundation Innovation Lab | Wichita, KS
In 2014, Gene Haas Foundation launched an initiative to highlight the most technologically advanced CNC schools and training programs in North America, later we expanded this opportunity to Europe and the UK.
Through these partnerships, institutions receive a grant in recognition of their excellence.
They are officially designated a Gene Haas Center.