Article I. Name
The use of the term HTEC in this document refers the Haas Technical Educators Conference and Haas Technical Educators Council, both of which are now under the supervision of the Gene Haas Foundation.
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of the General Assembly of HTEC is to represent the Haas Technical Educators Conference in the fulfillment of the following objectives, mission, and vision.
Section 1. Objectives
To support education programs teaching CNC by providing opportunities for educators and other resource providers (“Partners”) to connect (virtually and in person) to network, to mentor and to learn “best practices” from one another.
Section 2. Mission
To promote and advance manufacturing productivity through excellence in manufacturing education.
Section 3. Vision
To develop, deliver and disseminate collectively the best educational methods and techniques for training students in CNC technology.
The Mission and Vision of Haas Technical Educators Conference aligns with the Gene Haas Foundation mission, which is:
“To introduce and educate individuals to the field of manufacturing technologies, specifically, CNC machining.
Additionally, we support local organizations that help improve the quality of life for individuals within the community”
Article III. Membership
Section 1. Haas Technical Education Community
Educators from facilities training students in CNC are welcome to attend and participate in the HTEC annual and regional conferences.
Section 2. Participation in the General Assembly
Educational institutions will declare themselves to be in one of three groups for voting purposes: 1) schools (normally through grade 12), 2) two-year colleges and post-secondary training institutes, or 3) four-year colleges or universities. Any questions with regard to category will be resolved by the HTEC director.
Section 3. Types of Members
Educational institutions will declare themselves to be in one of three groups for voting purposes: 1) schools (normally through grade 12), 2) two-year colleges and post-secondary training institutes, or 3) four-year colleges or universities. Any questions with regard to category will be resolved by the HTEC director.
Article IV. HTEC Executive Committee
Section 1. Purpose
The use of the term HTEC in this document refers the Haas Technical Educators Conference and Haas Technical Educators Council, both of which are now under the supervision of the Gene Haas Foundation.
Section 2. Membership
The Executive Committee consists of the officers who are the President, Vice President, and the Secretary as well as Representatives from each of the four types of members and the additional category of two individuals who are involved in grant procurement for their schools CNC program. The past president is welcome to advise the Executive Committee.
Representatives appointed by the host institutions for the past and pending (or current) and following General Assemblies are ex-officio members of the executive committee.
The HTEC Director or their designee, is an ex- officio member of the executive committee.
Section 3. Terms of office
The term of office is one year and shall normally begin at the conclusion of the Annual General Assembly. The president is limited to two consecutive terms.
Elections of officers and Representatives of the five types of members are held annually prior to the general assembly at which the committee will be introduced and sworn in. In 2023 this process will be delayed because of the transition to GHF and the election will follow the general assembly.
In 2023 every educator who has attended an annual HTEC conference in the past 7 years will be sent a link to vote using the Gene Haas Foundation Grant software system and reviewed by the Gene Haas Foundation legal team. All eligible attendees of HTEC regional conferences will be added to voting eligibility in 2024 and beyond.
Any person officially recognized as representing an HTEC by that educational institution is eligible to be a candidate.
Section 4. Duties:
A. President:
The President shall preside over the General Assemblies.
The President will preside over the Executive Committee.
In the absence of the secretary the president will appoint an acting secretary.
The President will schedule Executive Committee meetings as required, at the request of the pending hosts of the General Assemblies and at the request of the HTEC Director.
The President will appoint a parliamentarian as necessary.
B. Vice President:
The Vice President will serve all functions of the President in the absence of the President. Unless the Vice President declines, the Vice President will also be the President elect.
C. Secretary:
The Secretary shall record the proceedings of all meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee and keep the minutes to be made available at the request of any member.
Financial Transactions and Members roster will be managed by the Gene Haas Foundation HTEC coordinator and team.
Section 5. Elections:
Officers shall be elected by a majority of the votes. Each year prior to the general assembly every educator who has attended an annual HTEC conference in the past 7 years will be sent a link to vote using the Gene Haas Foundation Grant software system and reviewed by the Gene Haas Foundation legal team. All eligible attendees of HTEC regional conferences will be added to voting eligibility in 2024 and beyond. at which the officers will be introduced and sworn in. In 2023 this process will be delayed because of the transition.
Each HTEC instructor or participating staff member may cast one vote.
Only institutions of the given type can vote for their representatives.
All eligible voters may vote for the Officers.
Section 6. Vacancies:
A vacancy occurs when either the officer or Representative resigns in writing to the Executive Committee or by incapacitation health or death. In the event that there is a vacancy, the Executive Committee may appoint another person serve until the next election is held.
Article V. General Assemblies
Section 1. Venues and Schedules:
Each year the General Assembly will select the venue for the future conference two years in advance. Members will be invited to make presentations for candidature at the General Assemblies to host future General Assemblies.
These presentations will be posted on the Gene Haas Foundation website and all educators invited to vote on the council may also vote on the venue..
The Executive Committee and local Organizing Committee will select the specific dates and formulate the schedule for the general assemblies with the advice and consent of the HTEC Director.
The General Assembly will include a business meeting and such conferences, seminars, tutorials, demonstrations, lectures, and other activities as planned by the Executive Committee and the local Organizing Committee.
Section 2. Order of Business:
The order of business at the Annual General Assembly shall include:
A. Approval of the minutes from the previous General Assembly
B. Report from Executive Committee
C. Reports from any ad hoc committees
D. New Business
E. Presentation of New Officers and Council Members
F. Announcement of future General Assembly Venue
G. Adjournment
Article VI. Committees
Section 1. Executive Commit
A. Members: As defined in Article IV section 2
B. Duties: As defined in Article IV section 2. The Executive Committee will keep a record of its proceedings and activities and report these to the General Assembly membership at the next scheduled meeting.
C. Meetings: The Executive Committee as defined in Article IV section 4 A iv. These meetings may be conducted using conference calls.
D. Quorum: A quorum of the Executive Committee is five members.
Section 2. Local Organizing Committees
A. The host institution for each venue for a General Assembly shall appoint a local Organizing Committee to work with the Executive Committee in planning, scheduling and hosting the General Assembly.
B. Any issues between the local Organizing Committee and the Executive Committee that cannot be resolved by consensus will be adjudicated by the HTEC Director.
Section 3. Ad hoc committees
The General Assembly, President, Executive Committee, or the HTEC Director can create and dissolve ad hoc committees as appropriate. These committees can be requested to report to General Assembly, President, Executive Committee, or the HTEC Director designee as appropriate.
Section 4. Membership on ad hoc committees
The membership of the committees can be decided by the General Assembly, President, Executive Committee, or the HTEC Director or their designee.
Article VIII. Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in an appropriate edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the General Assembly to the extent which they are applicable and in which they are not further elaborated or modified under this Constitution and Bylaws or by special rules adopted by the General Athe Council assembly.
Article IX. Amendments
This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by submitting a proposal to the current council prior to the annual election of officers. The council will then vote and if it passes the executive board by 2/3 it will be placed on the ballot. An amendment once approved by voting members is then reviewed subject to approval by the executive board of The Gene Haas Foundation.